Thursday, April 27, 2017

Gym attackers, the short version

I'll make a compact list of a good line-up and their corresponding targets.

I'm assuming you're hulking through the primary attacks, but that you attempt to dodge charge attacks (not always succesfully). For the purpose of this post I'm going with better safe than sorry and have chosen attacks that should keep an attacker alive.

Let's concentrate on the seven pokemon dominating as gym defenders. I'll also add one grass type pokemon, more for type completion than because it's all that common, as well as lapras since you're bound to run into it sooner or later.

The first seven should account for over 90% of anything you'll see in a gym. At least if we disregard random crap inserted at 1500 CP or lower.

Name of pokemon, good attackers (plus special case attackers). Special case attackers in parentheses.

The list:

  • Tyranitar -- gyarados, vaporeon, (machamp)
  • Dragonite -- lapras, (jynx)
  • Snorlax -- dragonite, gyarados, (machamp)
  • Rhydon -- vaporeon (exeggutor, victreebel)
  • Gyarados -- jolteon
  • Blissey -- dragonite, gyarados, (machamp)
  • Vaporeon -- jolteon, dragonite, (exeggutor)

Screw you over defenders:

  • Exeggutor -- flareon, dragonite
  • Lapras -- flareon, jolteon, (machamp)

For the attackers I'll make one list of what I believe you have, and one list for special cases attackers. Name of pokemon, preferred attacks and preferred target.

The special case attackers are nice to have if you've collected enough stardust to afford additional gym attackers.

The line-up you have:
  • Dragonite, Dragon Tail / Hurricane -- general dps, can be used against all (avoid lapras)
  • Gyarados, Dragon Tail or Bite / Hydro Pump, weaker version of dragonite -- tyranitar (not with Bite), dragonite, snorlax, rhydon, blissey
  • Jolteon, any attacks but preferably not Discharge -- gyarados, vaporeon
  • Lapras, Frost Breath / Blizzard (all ice attacks work though) -- dragonite
  • Vaporeon, Water Gun / Hydro Pump -- rhydon, tyranitar
  • Flareon, Fire Spin / Overheat (all other attacks servicable) -- exeggutor

The special case attackers:

  • Exeggutor, Bullet Seed / Solar Beam -- rhydon, vaporeon
  • Victreebel, Razor Leaf / Leaf Blade or Solar Beam -- rhydon
  • Machamp, Counter / Close Combat or Dynamic Punch -- tyranitar, snorlax, if you're good at dodging also blissey
  • Jynx, Frost Breath / Avalanche -- dragonite (one single dragonite)

Because you love doing damage:
  • Alakazam, Confusion or Psycho Cut / Future Sight -- general dps, but you'd either better be good at dodging or use it to soften up a blissey

For some attackers I have deliberately not chosen the attacks that do most damage over time:

  • Dragonite -- Outrage might get you killed when attacking snorlax with Body Slam, and you take excessive damage from vaporeon with Aqua Tail. Good dodgers should prefer Outrage however
  • Jynx -- Confusion doesn't get double type bonus against dragonite
  • Exeggutor -- Confusion DOES a litte more damage against rhydon, but is distinctly slower at powering up that Solar Beam. You want that rhydon down before it fires off its charge attack, if possible
  • Exeggutor -- Confusion is better on paper against vaporeon, but you're only going to max out one exeggutor, and Bullet Seed services to slaughter that vaporeon anyway

Machamp deserves a special note. Zen Headbutt hurts, and the combination Zen Headbutt and Dazzling Gleam is outright lethal. Keep this in mind when you attack into snorlax and blissey.

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